Philipsburg Public Library

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Library2Go (Overdrive)
20,000+ eBooks and Audiobooks available to download or stream on your phone, tablet, Kindle, or computer
Sign Up
Contact or stop by the Philipsburg library- we will sign you up for a library card or get you your library card number. We can also walk you through the set-up process, if you wish.
Go to When prompted to sign in, select "Philipsburg Public Library" and enter your library card number.
Find and Borrow eBooks & Audiobooks
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Once you find an item you like, you have the option to “Add to Wishlist,” “Place a Hold” (if not available), or “Borrow” (if available). You will need to login to access these features (see above for information on how to sign-up).
You can enjoy many titles immediately online, download them for offline use, or send borrowed eBooks to a Kindle device for the duration of your lending period. You can also transfer titles from your computer to compatible eReaders or MP3 players.
Instructions By Device:
Most Smartphones and Tablets (Android, iOS/IPhone/IPad, Windows 10): the Libby app
Kindle Fire, Chromebook, or Windows 8, or if you have low vision: the Overdrive app